Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Internetan Pake HPku

tutorial konek internet lewat modem hp moto c380

Syarat :

0.Punya Motivasi konek Internet kondisi OK :D
1.Punya HP Motorola c380 kondisi OK :D
2.Punya Kabel Data moto c380 kondisi OK :D
3.Punya Komputer/Laptop kondisi OK :D

Rukun :

0.Colokin modem ke PC/Laptop
1.Install Driver motorola c380 - USBMOT2000
2.Buat koneksi wizard baru.
-Connect to the internet
-Set up my connection manually
-Connect using dial-up modem
-Pilih modem USB moto
-beri nama koneksinya
-phone number, username dan password tergantung kartu GSM yg anda pake

Driver P2k Moto

kalo GSM punyaku itu three

User : 3gprs
Password : 3gprs
Dial : *99***1#


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Puisi Rindu

akan ke manakah angin melayang
tatkala turun senja nan muram
pada siapa lagu kuangankan
kelam dalam kabut rindu tertahan
datanglah engkau berbaring di sisiku
turun dan berbisik tepat di sampingku
belenggulah seluruh tubuh dan sukmaku
kuingin menjerit dalam pelukanmu
akan ke manakah berarak awan
bagi siapa mata kupejamkan
pecah bulan dalam ombak lautan
dahan-dahan di hati berguguran

by someone who you love

puisi rindu untukmu

Puisi Rindu

bintang malam ........
katakan padanya
aku ingin melukis sinarmu di hatinya..........

embun pagi.......
katakan padanya
biar kudekap erat
waktu dingin membelenggunya

taukah engkau.....
wahai langit
aku ingin bertemu membelai wajahnya..
kan kupasang hiasan angkasa yang terindah
hanya untuk dirinya

puisi rindu ini
kuciptakan hanya untuk
kekasihku tercinta
walau hanya puisi sederhana
izinkan kuungkap segenap rasa
dan kerinduanku.......

mizz u...
kapan pulang???

cemarang city, 12:05;100608 by some one that luv u

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Using Darwin Server Streaming

Using Darwin Streaming Server with Windows NT and Windows 2000 Server

  • There are some differences in the way you use Darwin Streaming Server with Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000 Server. These differences are summarized here.

Installing the server package

  • To install Darwin streaming services:


    Unzip the server package.


    Double-click the install script, named "Install.bat".

    The install script installs the server software and associated files in the following directory on the server computer:

    c:\Program Files\Darwin Streaming Server\

    Inside this directory, you'll find these files:




    Server executable


    PlaylistBroadcaster executable


    Command-line utility for generating password files for access control.


    Default server configuration file


    Default relay configuration file


    Folder containing QTSS API modules


    Media folder

Starting and stopping streaming services

  • You can start or stop streaming services using the Service Manager or from the command line.

    To start Darwin streaming services using the Service Manager:


    Open the Services control panel.


    Select the Darwin streaming services item.


    Click the Start button.

    To start Darwin streaming services from the command line:

    At the command line, enter:

    DarwinStreamingServer -d

    To stop Darwin streaming services using the Service Manager:


    Open the Services control panel.


    Select the Darwin streaming services item.


    Click the Stop button.

    To stop Darwin streaming services from the command line:

    At the command line in a window where Darwin Streaming Server is running, press:


Server configuration file

  • The Darwin Streaming Server package comes with a default configuration file for Windows NT and Windows 2000 Server. The file system paths in this configuration file are in Windows NT format. Because Windows NT path formats are different from those on UNIX systems, a configuration file from a UNIX Darwin Streaming Server will not work on Windows NT.

    The default streaming services configuration file is installed in this directory:

    c:\Program Files\Darwin Streaming Server\streamingserver.cfg

    The spaces must be present, and the directory delimiters must be backslashes (\).

    Note that in the Windows NT configuration file, you must specify directory paths, and if they have spaces, you must enclose them in quotation marks. For example:

    movie_folder "c:\Program Files\Darwin Streaming Server\movies\"

    Case is not important in NT directory/file names, but the spaces are.

Removing Darwin Streaming Server as a service

  • To remove Darwin streaming services:

    At the command line, enter:

    DarwinStreamingServer -r

Using PlaylistBroadcaster with Windows NT and Windows 2000 Server

  • Each PlaylistBroadcaster needs its own dedicated command prompt window to run as a process.

    The -list and -stop commands are not supported within Darwin Streaming Server on NT.

Access control passwords are not encrypted

  • Passwords created using the qtpasswd.exe utility are not encrypted. Keep the password file in a secure location.

Friday, May 23, 2008


rehat dulu ah..